Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet Home Dalaran(-a)

I thought it wasn't until 75 you got the quest for Dalaran. So I was to my suprised after topping over into 74 in Howling Fjord the NPC became active. So I got the boost up stairs after talking with him. Also made some gold in selling Overcharged Capacitor for around 35G. Sadly it has mostly been spent for training skills that came available at 74. the other part was spent on adding an eternal belt buckle to my belt with I thought was going to have to drop my belt enchant to overwrite it. I was wrong both co-exist, so now I put a cheap gem into it for now.

Took a break from the Northrend for some Final Preparations and have acquired 10/40 of the Blackrock Bracers. Still need the helm and chest otherwise not going to fight Valthalak in the followup quest.

Thanks for all you comments. and have a great day.


Rilgon Arcsinh said...

Would've been better titled "Sweet Home Dalaran-a", IMO.

Requisition said...

Haha, why are you doing the old dungeon set quests?

Kordwar said...

wow, i just noticed that you and i are on the same battlegroup. Now i'm kinda worried if i've ever killed you before D: